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️💼 Command Manager

The CommandManager is the object that holds together the nyx event system.

It consists of:

  • CommandCustomIdCodec: De/serializes commands names to/from customId strings, useful for creating message components that will trigger commands.
  • CommandResolver: Resolves the command data that a given command interaction refers to.
  • CommandExecutor: Executes command objects, checking its CommandMiddlewareList and passing any errors to its ErrorHandler.
  • CommandRepository: Stores all the currently registered commands and their command application mappings. It's also responsible for registering commands at Discord.
  • CommandSubscriptionsContainer: Stores the 📩 Event Subscribers that are subscribed to the 👂 Client event bus to listen for command interactions.
  • EventBus: An 📣 Event Bus that emits command related events.

As well as methods to interact with them.

👷 Creation

You can create a custom command manager by either:

  • Extending DefaultCommandManager from @nyx-discord/framework (recommended).
  • Implementing CommandManager from @nyx-discord/core.

Then you can pass it to your bot:

class MyCommandManager extends DefaultCommandManager {
public myCustomPublicMethod() {}

const myBot = Bot.create((bot: NyxBot) => ({
// ...

events: new MyCommandManager(/** ... */),

myBot.getCommandManager().myCustomPublicMethod() // works!

The Bot class is able to infer the type of your custom manager via generics, so accessing any custom public method or property will work without errors.