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⚡ Command Executor

The CommandExecutor is the object responsible for executing commands, based on the received interaction. It's stored by a CommandManager, and you can get it via CommandManager#getExecutor().

The executor manages that:

  • The CommandMiddlewareList passes the execution.
  • The command is executed with its respective arguments, on the appropriate method.
  • Any errors thrown by the command or middleware are caught, wrapped if needed, and redirected to the ErrorHandler.

👷 Creation

You can create a custom command executor by either:

  • Extending DefaultCommandExecutor from @framework (recommended).
  • Implementing the CommandExecutor interface from @core.
class MyCommandExecutor extends DefaultCommandExecutor {
// ...

const myExecutor = new MyCommandExecutor();

const myBot = Bot.create((bot) => ({
commands: DefaultCommandManager.create(bot, client, clientBus, { executor: myExecutor }),

🚦 Middleware

The executor stores a CommandMiddlewareList that will either allow or deny the execution of a given command. This list can be obtained via CommandExecutor#getMiddleware().

For information about how to use it, check the ️🛡️ Command Interception documentation.

💫 Error Handling

The executor stores an ErrorHandler, which is redirected errors thrown by any command. For information about how to use it, check the 💫 Error Handling documentation.

There are special errors that are redirected there however, specifically when checking the middleware. These are:

  • CommandMiddlewareError - Caused when a middleware throws an error, the list catches it and wraps it in this error. It's known which middleware caused the error.
  • UncaughtCommandMiddlewareError - Caused when the list throws an error, and it's not the one above. In theory, it should never happen but it still exists just in case. It's not known which middleware caused the error.

These errors hold information useful to handle them, like the middleware that caused the error, or the entire list if the middleware is not known.