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💼 Event Manager

The EventManager is the object that holds together the nyx event system.

It consists of:

  • The EventBus collection for storing buses, mapped by their IDs.
  • An EventBus for Bot events.
  • An EventBus for Client events.
  • An EventBus for Manager events.

As well as methods to interact with them.

👷 Creation

You can create a custom event manager by either:

  • Extending DefaultEventManager from @nyx-discord/framework (recommended).
  • Implementing EventManager from @nyx-discord/core.

Then you can pass it to your bot:

class MyEventManager extends DefaultEventManager {
public myCustomPublicMethod() {}

const myBot = Bot.create((bot: NyxBot) => ({
// ...

events: new MyEventManager(/** ... */),

myBot.getEventManager().myCustomPublicMethod() // Works!

The Bot class is able to infer the type of your custom manager via generics, so accessing any custom public method or property will work without errors.

👂 Client event bus

The manager holds a EventBus that wraps the Discord.js Client, for client events. You can get it with EventManager#getClientBus(), and you can directly subscribe to it with EventManager#subscribeClient().

You can use the utility abstraction on @nyx-discord/framework for a subscriber for a Client, the AbstractDJSClientSubscriber. It receives a generic which is the handled event, where you can use the discord.js Event enum. Said value will be used to safely type the arguments of the event handler.

import { Events } from 'discord.js';
import { AbstractDJSClientSubscriber } from '@nyx-discord/framework';

class InteractionCreateSubscriber
extends AbstractDJSClientSubscriber<Events.InteractionCreate> {
protected override readonly event = Events.InteractionCreate;

public handleEvent(
meta: EventDispatchMeta,
interaction: Interaction,
): void {
// Since the built-in client event bus has a bot, this will never throw an error.
const bot = meta.getBot(true);

bot.getLogger().info(`Interaction ${} received.`);

const subscriber = new InteractionCreateSubscriber();
await bot.getEventManager().subscribeClient(subscriber);

// same as:
const bus = bot.getEventManager().getClientBus();
await bus.subscribe(subscriber);