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️⏰ Schedules

Hey there 👋! This guide is here to give you a fast understanding of how nyx's schedule system works, so you can use it right away. For in-depth details, see the respective guides of each schedule related object.

📚 Description

Schedules are objects that are ticked some time in the future, and can be used as a feature complete way of scheduling events in your bot, apart from Node's setInterval() API.

In essence, a Schedule object contains its ticking logic and its interval of when it wishes to be executed, which can be in cron format, in an amount of ms (number), or as a Date. When a schedule is added via the ScheduleManager, the ScheduleExecutionScheduler creates a new ScheduleJobAdapter for it, which will start ticking the schedule using the ScheduleExecutor.


It's important to note that the ScheduleExecutionScheduler is implementation-specific. For example, @framework's implementation uses the cron npm package to create the job.

To add a layer of abstraction, the ScheduleExecutionScheduler's interface doesn't return any specific job type, but rather a ScheduleJobAdapter, which has methods like resume, pause, etc.

ScheduleJobAdapters do not tick schedules by themselves. They're meant to be a wrapper around an object that actually does so, like a cron job, a setInterval() interval, to be able to interact with them without actually knowing the actual implementation, or what's "inside". However because of their nature, they're also implementation-specific.

The schedule system is made up of several objects that work together to track the execution of schedule objects, all coordinated by a ScheduleManager.

Specifically, the schedule related objects are:

  • ScheduleManager: The entry point for the schedule system, holding all the schedule-related objects and methods that use all of these objects. All objects below are contained here.
  • ScheduleExecutionScheduler: Tracks the execution of schedules and stores the ScheduleJobAdapters.
  • ScheduleRepository: Stores all the currently registered schedules.
  • ScheduleExecutor: Executes schedules, checking its ScheduleMiddlewareList and passing any errors to its ErrorHandler.
  • EventBus: An 📣 Event Bus that emits schedule related events.

🔢 Schedule tick sequence

  • A dashed step means it's executed asynchronously, so the next one is inmediately executed.
  • You can hover over steps with (?) to see extra details.

✨ Quick examples

  1. Extend AbstractSchedule, implementing tick() and interval.
  2. Register it to a bot's ScheduleManager.
class StatusSchedule extends AbstractSchedule {
// Cron format (every half hour). Can also be a Date or number.
protected readonly interval = '*/30 * * * *';

public async tick(meta: ScheduleTickMeta) {
const bot = meta.getBot();
const { client } = bot;

const guildsAmount = client.guilds.cache.size;
client.user.setActivity(`${guildsAmount} servers`, { type: ActivityType.Watching });

const schedule = new StatusSchedule();
await bot.getScheduleManager().addSchedule(schedule);