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🔍 Schedule Execution Scheduler

The ScheduleExecutionScheduler is the object responsible for tracking the execution of schedules. It's stored by a ScheduleManager, and you can get it via ScheduleManager#getScheduler().

You can't modify the scheduler directly since the ScheduleManager returns a ReadonlyScheduleExecutionScheduler type, but the hidden methods are available at the ScheduleManager. This is because starting and stopping the job needs more logic than just modifying the scheduler, and the manager is responsible for coordinating this.

👷 Creation

You can create a scheduler by either:

  • Extending DefaultScheduleExecutionScheduler from @framework (recommended).
  • Implementing the ScheduleExecutionScheduler interface from @core.

The DefaultScheduleExecutionScheduler has two dependencies:

  • The ScheduleExecutor to execute schedules when needed.
  • The ScheduleTickFactory to create a ScheduleTickMeta before executing a schedule.

While the default executor doesn't depend on the NyxBot, the tick factory does and as such it needs to be defined inside the bot's constructor.

import { DefaultScheduleExecutionScheduler } from '@nyx-discord/framework';

class MyScheduleExecutionScheduler extends DefaultScheduleExecutionScheduler {
// Your custom logic.

// Could also be any `ScheduleExecutor` implementation.
const executor = DefaultScheduleExecutor.create();

const myBot = Bot.create((bot) => {
const tickFactory = (schedule: Schedule) => ScheduleTickMeta.fromSchedule(schedule, bot);
const scheduler = MyScheduleExecutionScheduler.create(executor, tickFactory);

const scheduleManager = DefaultScheduleManager.create(bot, { scheduler, executor });

return { schedules: scheduleManager };

🧭 Job Adapters

ScheduleJobAdapters are objects created by the scheduler that will tick a given schedule in the future. They serve as an abstraction for some underlying tick object, like a cron job, a setInterval() interval, etc.

Since the job is entirely responsible for a given Schedule's ticking on a given bot, stopping or destroying it will effectively stop the schedule from being ticked.


@framework uses a CronJobAdapter, which is a ScheduleJobAdapter that holds a CronJob from the npm cron package.